Filharmonia Dwójki


Filharmonia Dwójki w telewizji

Opis programu

Xavier Sabata - kontratenor, Ensemble Pulcinella, dyr. Ophélie Gaillard (2.05.2017 Oriol Martorell Hall, Auditori, Barcelona) Michel Farinel Faronells division upon a ground; Anonim The noble man; John Weldon Reason, what art thou? ; Anonim Mary Maudling Masque; John Eccles Must then a faithful lover go?; Gottfried Finger While I with wounding grief did look; Anonim The ladies; John Eccles Restless in thought; John Blow Preludium na klawesyn; John Eccles I burn, my brain consumes to ashes; Henry Purcell Chaconne tirée du Dioclesian, two in one upon a ground; Henry Purcell From rosy bow'rs; Anonim The furies; Henry Purcell Bess of Bedlam: From silent shades; Anonim Cuperaree or Graysin; Daniel Purcell Morpheus, thou gentle; Henry Purcell O Solitude .